
Java Online Training | Java Tutorial for Beginners

2015-09-28 2 Dailymotion

Java Course Info : http://goo.gl/Yj8fwY
About JAVA:
JAVA is an OOP object oriented programming Language
It’s based on real life objects, and It is a platform independent, can write it on any platform without changing the code
It’s popular because it’s an open source product
How does JAVA came into existence?
In 1990s, Sun Micro System launched a project named “Green Project”, The intention or objective was to develop a new programming language with which a software can made to add intelligence to the consumer electronic device.
James Gosling the team leader of the project is called as the “Father of the JAVA”
JAVA in the beginning of its inception was called as “OAK”
Internet came into existence in the year of 1993, JAVA gave dynamism to the internet with which we can today run a videos, animation etc.
Where Java is seen
JAVA is an standalone application like – calculator, excel, word, ppt
Mobile, Web, Enterprise applications can be developed with JAVA 2 SE, Java 2 EE, Java 2ME Editions.
JAVA is a Compiled and Interpreted language and component of “Java Virtual Machine Architecture” (JVM) which is platform dependent.
How Java program can compiled and be executed:
JAVA Topics to be covered in the course.
Core JAVA: Introduction to JAVA, Oops Concept, Control Structure, JAVA API, Exception handling, Strings, Arrays, Collection Frame Works, Threads, IOs, JAVA 5 features.
Advanced JAVA : JDBC, Servlets, JSPs, Frame work, Struts, Spring,